Categories: Lifestyle

10 Most Expensive Hobbies in the World

Hobbies are a way to unwind and enjoy what we love. But some hobbies go beyond just enjoying and require big money. These hobbies are enjoyed by the rich and can cost millions. Let’s explore the most expensive hobbies and find out what makes them so expensive.

1. Yachting

Yachting is luxury. Buying a yacht can cost from a few hundred thousand to several million dollars. Maintenance, docking fees and crew salaries add to the cost. High end yachts have helipads, swimming pools and luxury cabins which increases the cost even more. Chartering a yacht for a week can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Why It’s Expensive:

  • Initial purchase price
  • Maintenance and repairs
  • Insurance
  • Storage and transportation
  • Luxury and customization

2. Car Collection

Many rich people collect vintage and luxury cars. High end models from brands like Ferrari, Bugatti and Rolls-Royce can cost millions at auctions. Rare cars have a rich history and unique features which makes them highly sought after. Collectors spend big on restoring and maintaining these cars to keep them in mint condition.

Why It’s Expensive:

  • Buying rare models
  • Restoration and maintenance
  • Insurance and storage costs
  • Participation in exclusive art shows and events
  • Cost of sourcing rare parts

3. Art Collection

Art collecting involves buying masterpieces from famous artists. Prices can go up to tens of millions. Collectors look for works from famous artists like Picasso, Van Gogh and Monet. Art appreciates over time so it’s not just a hobby but also an investment. High end collectors also spend on securing and preserving their collection.

Why It’s Expensive:

  • High auction prices for rare pieces
  • Insurance and security costs
  • Conservation and restoration
  • Exhibition and display costs
  • Legal fees for provenance verification

4. Flying Private Jets

Having and flying private jets is pure convenience and luxury. The cost includes buying the jet and operational costs. Private jets have the luxury of avoiding commercial airline schedules and personalized travel experience. High end jets have customized interiors, latest technology and extra comfort.

Why It’s Expensive:

  • The cost of the jet
  • Fuel, maintenance and repairs
  • Hangar fees and pilot salaries
  • Depreciation and insurance costs
  • Cost of customized interior and technology upgrades

5. Horseback Riding and Equestrian Sports

Equestrian sports like horse racing and show jumping requires buying and maintaining thoroughbred horses. These horses are often from prestigious bloodlines and requires intense training. Having a competitive horse involves the initial purchase and ongoing costs for training, veterinary care and stabling.

Why It’s Expensive:

  • Horses
  • Veterinary and insurance
  • Stable and staff
  • Entry fees and travel
  • Premium feed and grooming

6. Rare Wines

Wine collectors buy rare and vintage wines that increase in value over time. Some bottles can cost thousands of dollars. Collecting rare wines requires knowledge and access to private auctions and wine merchants. Proper storage is crucial to keep the wine in good condition, often meaning climate controlled cellars.

Why It’s Expensive:

  • Rare vintages
  • Climate controlled storage
  • Insurance and security
  • Private auctions
  • Tasting and professional appraisal

7. Space Tourism

Space tourism is the newest playground for the ultra wealthy. Companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin offer suborbital flights which give you the experience of seeing the Earth from space and weightlessness. But training and preparation for space travel adds to the cost.

Why It’s Expensive:

  • Spaceflight ticket prices
  • Training and prep costs
  • Travel and accommodation for launch sites
  • Insurance and safety measures
  • Health risks and medical evaluations

8. High End Fashion Collecting

High end fashion collecting, including designer clothing, handbags and jewelry is popular among the wealthy. Limited edition items and pieces from iconic fashion houses like Chanel, Hermes and Louis Vuitton can cost a pretty penny. Collectors want to keep these items in mint condition which adds to the cost.

Why It’s Expensive:

  • Price of limited edition items
  • Maintenance and care of delicate fabrics
  • Insurance and security for valuable collections
  • Private fashion events
  • Storage solutions to keep in condition

9. Scuba Diving in Exotic Locations

Scuba diving enthusiasts travel to remote and exotic locations to explore the underwater world. This hobby involves buying specialized gear and travel costs. Diving in protected or hard to get to areas often requires special permits and hiring local guides or experts.

Why It’s Expensive:

  • Travel and accommodation
  • High end diving gear
  • Certification and training fees
  • Permits and access fees for protected sites
  • Guide and boat hire for exploration

10. Antiques Collecting

Collecting antiques, furniture, coins and historical artifacts requires knowledge and deep pockets. Antiques can be centuries old furniture to rare coins and historical memorabilia. The value of these items increases over time so antique collecting is both a hobby and an investment.

Why It’s Expensive:

  • Rare and valuable items
  • Restoration and care
  • Insurance and security
  • Auctions and antique shows
  • Expert appraisals and authentication


Why are some hobbies so expensive?

Expensive hobbies have high acquisition costs, maintenance, insurance and participation fees so they are mainly for the wealthy.

What’s the most expensive hobby?

Yachting is often the most expensive hobby as it has the highest cost of buying, maintaining and running a yacht.

Can expensive hobbies be lucrative?

Yes, some hobbies like art collecting and rare wine collecting can be lucrative as they increase in value over time.

Are there cheaper alternatives to these hobbies?

Yes, many expensive hobbies have cheaper alternatives. For example, one can sail with smaller boats instead of yachting.

How do people fund these expensive hobbies?

The wealthy fund these hobbies through personal wealth, investments or businesses. Some also sponsor or partner with brands and organizations.

Ashley Kai: Fashion, Beauty tips, Lifestyle, Food, Friends, and Travel are what I love & I BLOG.
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