Carrying branded bags, wearing scarves that flaunt a brand’s logo, or bathing in brands from head to toe. Agree when I say we all want to be there. While the majority cannot afford to do so, one can only imagine.
After all, dreams and imaginations do not come at a price, do they? But I…
Wide eyes have a magnetic charm that attracts attention and brings sensuality to the look. In fact, a lot of girls dream of having the eyes of Mila Kunis or Amanda Seyfried. Do not fret, girls; if you have close-set eyes, then flaw-hiding eye makeup is ready to come to the rescue to celebrate your shape! But…
Makeup lovers don’t miss any chance to not apply makeup and despite having waterproof makeup we are still facing hard stain issues. Have you ever gotten into the problem where mascara or foundation is difficult to stain out? Well, it has been seen in majority cases and we are here to help you out to…
We know how much you all ladies are obsessed for makeup? Many of you spend hours in front of mirrors for best makeup strokes. Your entire effort would be wasted if starts creasing after few hours. Don't go wrong with your makeup while not spending a huge amount on makeup setting sprays. Best makeup setting spray…
Love is in the hair,” and that couldn’t be more true. We all are familiar with the love we feel on a good hair day. There is no debate about whether your hair has a great influence on your overall appearance. And in fact, it's not just appearance, on a good hair day, you feel…
Summer in Europe arrives before it does anywhere else, and it's just as if one day, you have your winter clothes out, and the next day, you end up looking for your summer clothes the next day. This sudden arrival of the summer makes it a challenge for people everywhere as there is this need…
Experimenting with hair shading is a piece of life. Everybody should know what it feels like to be a redhead, even if it is just for a short minute. Is it not okay ? , be that as it may, finding your optimal hair concealer, regardless of whether it’s cinnamon or light cinder blonde, may…
Painting your nails may seem easy but there’s more to it than you know. It might not be a big deal, but if you want to have beautiful hands and nails, you should do it the right way. There are many nail care tips that people tend to overlook because they think they’re not important.…
She is looking to get a fresh look this summer. Well, it is the right time because through this guide you will get to know about all the best hairstyle for girls, which are trending in 2019. According to research, every other girl out there gets bored with her haircut almost every month.
However, it does…
Eid is a celebration for Muslims and is an occasion that is celebrated with utmost zeal and zest. Females all over the world start prepping up for the holy occasion days before Eid itself and make it a thing to look their best on this very day.
A lot of stylish dresses are available for…