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We all know that in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, we need to get up and stay active. But sometimes, making the switch from the couch and your favorite TV show to a workout can seem daunting or even too difficult.
However, exercise doesn’t have to be tedious. In this blog post, you’ll be introduced to some of the best exercises for home fitness.
6 Best Home Excercise to Stay Fit
If you’re looking for a great way to stay fit, incorporating some aerobic exercises into your routine is a great place to start. Here are five of the best home aerobic exercises to help you get started:
1. Aerobic Exercises
Walk on a treadmill: Walking or biking on a treadmill offers an easy and effective way to get your heart rate up and burn calories.
Swim laps: Swimming is another great cardio workout that can be done at home. Swimming laps are a great way to work your chest, shoulder, and back muscles while also burning calories.
Jog in place: Jogging in place can be a great low-impact exercise that will help improve your heart health and burn calories.
Strength training: Strength training can help you tone your body and increase your muscle mass. Strength training can be done at home with simple equipment such as dumbbells, resistance bands, pilates machines, and stair masters.
Yoga: Yoga can be a great way to relax and de-stress after a hard workout. Yoga can also help improve your flexibility, breathing, posture, and balance.
2. Jumping Rope
A basic and easy piece of equipment to get started with exercise at home is a jump room. Jump roping has been shown to be effective in increasing sheer strength and conditioning levels while also burning calories.
Jump rope can be kept fun by mixing up the speed you jump at regularly. You should aim for about two minutes of jumping every day. Variations include doing double unders, backward hops, and hopping jacks.
3. Push Ups
One of the best home exercises to help you stay fit is doing push ups. Moreover, push ups are a great exercise for your chest, triceps, and shoulder muscles. They are also good exercises for your abs and your quadriceps muscles.
Push ups can be done anywhere, at any time, and with just about any object you can find. If you want to make push ups more difficult, there are a variety of ways to just by changing up the way you are doing them.
4. Squats
If you are looking for a great home exercise that you can do anywhere, then try squats! They are a simple but effective way to work your muscles and increase your flexibility. Not only will squats help you stay fit, but they can also help relieve tension in your back, neck, and shoulders.
To perform a squat, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees, and place your thighs about 2 inches below your navel. Keep your core engaged and lift your hips until your thighs are level with your shoulders. Lower your hips until thighs touch the floor and repeat.
5. Plank Exercise Variations
The plank exercise is a great exercise to help you stay fit. There are several plank variations you can try to make the exercise more challenging. Here are three plank variations to try:
Dragon Flag Plank: This variation starts out with your abs and shoulders perpendicular to the floor. Then, lift your left leg towards your chest, and hold it there for two seconds. Switch legs and repeat.
Bear Hug Plank: Lie flat on your back with both hands flat on the ground next to your hips, shoulder-width apart. Press down into the palms of your hands and lift your torso and upper legs off the ground, forming a “V” with your body. Hold this position for two seconds before lowering back down to the starting position.
Side Plank: Position one foot in front of the other knee, with heels almost touching the floor. Place your hand on top of the raised foot, shoulder-width apart. Keep your back pressed firmly against the wall, hinge at the hip, and raise the upper body, keeping your neck in a neutral position. Hold for two seconds before lowering back down to starting position.
6. Pull-Ups
Pull-ups are a great way to work your upper body and build strength. Plus, they’re an extremely versatile exercise that can be done at home with minimal equipment. Here are five great exercises to help you get started:
Starting with your hands on the bar, pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar. Reverse the motion, and lower yourself back down. Do 3 sets of 12 reps.
To increase the challenge, try switching to a band and perform 12 reps with each arm simultaneously.
You don’t need to be a professional athlete to stay fit. In fact, many of the same home exercises that help professional athletes keep their bodies in top shape can also be used by you to stay healthy and agile.
By following these everyday exercises, you will not only achieve a good physique but will also improve your cardiovascular health and stamina.